Peter U Clark

Материал из Common History development
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Publications (157)

"... по мере потепления мирового климата Западно-Антарктический ледяной щит растает", - приводит слова Кларка пресс-служба Орегонского университета. Сейчас масса ледового щита такова, что оказывает заметное гравитационное воздействие на воды окружающего океана, притягивая их к себе... Согласно исследованию таяние массивного ледяного щита вызовет подъем придавленного им грунта, а земная ось вращения сместится примерно на полкилометра, что так же повлияет на уровень моря в различных регионах земли.

Second, and more subtle, an off-axis ice-sheet collapse will perturb the orientation of the Earth's rotation axis (i.e., drive true polar wander, TPW) and the associated perturbation to the centrifugal potential will produce a sea-level signal (Milne and Mitrovica, 1996). In particular, the local rotation axis will reorient toward the zone of ice-sheet collapse (i.e., the South Pole will move toward the WAIS in Fig. 2A and toward the EAIS in Fig. 2C, while the North Pole will move toward the GIS in Fig. 2B), and this will lead to a spherical harmonic degree-two, order-one "quadrential" sealevel perturbation (Milne and Mitrovica, 1996;Gomez et al., 2010). The effect of this quadrential perturbation is significant.

A fully coupled 3-D ice-sheet–sea-level model:algorithm and applications[править]

B. de Boer1,2,*, P. Stocchi3, and R. S. W. van de Wal

due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, any surface mass displacement together with the solid Earth and geoidal deformations triggers a perturbation of the polar motion that in turn affects the redistributionof melt water in the oceans and ,hence, the mean sea surface height (Milne and Mitrovica, 1996; Kendall et al., 2005)

p. 2150[править]

4.4 Rotational feedback

An important aspect of the gravitationally self-consistent solution of the SLE is the rotational feedback, which is a new feature in SELEN. The changes in the mass distribution of ice and water induce a shift in the position of the rotational axis (polar wander) that has an ellipsoidal form (e.g. Gomez et al., 2010b). The difference as shown in Fig. 9bis described by the spherical harmonics of degree 2