Explicit Generation of Orthogonal Grids for Ocean Models

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p.251 ː The convergence of meridians at the North Pole has been a source of numerical difficulties in ocean modelling that have never been satisfactorily resolved.

p. 252-253 ː properties that are of greater value in a global ocean grid; the chief of these would be the following: 1. Orthogonality... 2. A slow variation of grid spacing along grid lines... 3. A moderate overall range of grid spacing... 4. An absence of singular behaviour over the ocean

p. 257 ː Murray̜-1996̙-f5.png FIG. 5. The coordinate lines of a 58 3 108 bipolar grid generated about poles 1608 apart at 658N, 1008W and 858S, 808E: (a) oblique Mercator projection (heavy dashed lines indicate the geographical equator, prime meridian, and 908 meridians), (b) cylindrical equidistant projection. The grid equator in each diagram is indicated by a solid bold line.