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The following diagram illustrates the underlying principle of nodegoat and its associated terminology. The next points explain each term in more detail.


Type covers the broadest definition of a set of objects within your data. Should your dataset include a variety of persons who all have different capacities, all of them will belong to the Type ‘Person’. The same approach can be applied to pieces of art such as paintings, sculptures or buildings: all could be part of the Type ‘Artifact’.

Shared Types[править]

In order to provide access to structured geographical coordinates, we have included two Types that can be used by any nodegoat user. These Types consist of georeferenced information of the GeoNames database (


are actors (both human and non-human, e.g. a painting, a person, a city). All intrinsic aspects of an actor are stored within the Object (stored in ‘Object Descriptions’ and ‘Sub-Objects’

Object Descriptions[править]

are static fields that describe intrinsic aspects of an Object. In this context, static means a ‘non-changing’ aspect of an Object. Examples of static fields are the name of a person, the title of a book or the type of paint used for a painting

Sub-Objects painting[править]

are dynamic components that describe intrinsic circumstances of an Object over space and time. In this context, dynamic means either a ‘changing’ aspect of an Object or an aspect of an Object that has specific geographical coordinates and/or temporal attributes. Sub-Objects always have geographical coordinates and temporal attributes and describe a ‘state’ of an Object.


function in a similar fashion as Types. As Classifications are used to classify Objects by Categories, the contents of Classifications will be referred to as Categories instead of Objects. Classifications do not include Sub-Objects.


can be assigned to Objects in Types based on the state of the Object. Conditions affect the visual representation of the Object within nodegoat.


  • How can I export data?

Each data selection can be exported to CSV files. These files can be used to feed network analysis programmes like Gephi or Pajek.

  • How can I import data?

The import functionality allows you to import XML, JSON or CSV (semi-colon separated, UTF-8 encoded) files. Based on these ‘Source Files’, you can create ‘Import Templates’ that you can run in varying speeds and precision.

Is nodegoat open source?[править]

Currently, the core of nodegoat is not open source. The source code of nodegoat partner modules is released under a GNU General Public License.

Core publishing is planned for second half of 2016 to the nodegoat repository at to extend development.

Demo account[править]

login at with demo_rembrandt demo


Nodegoat похожа на Django

Модель данных nodegoat хорошо описывает артефакты понятием ‘Objects' и производными от него. А для событий подходит или понятие ‘Object Descriptions’ типа "Дата" или понятие ‘Sub-Objects' - Sub-Objects are dynamic components that describe intrinsic circumstances of an Object over space and time... By including a number of Sub-Objects within one Object, the ‘circumstance’ or ‘biography’ of an Object is reconstructed. Although the location and time of the birth of a person do not change, each of these aspects are described in one Sub-Object as they indicate a change in the state of the Object. ( Показательно, что для события фиксируют одновременно и время, и место.

Сам программный продукт Nodegoat не сложный, и сделать такое же можно. Большие усилия Lab1100 вложила в визуальный компонент - тот, что отображает карту Земли и анимированные точки на нём. Этот компонент сделать самому сложно. Также кроме географической визуализации Lab1100 предлагает также "социальную" (большой граф), например, как показано, здесь -